Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I Took the Batteries Out of my Watch and Now It's Ticking Again! 2/19/19

I Took the Batteries Out of My Watch and Now It’s Ticking Again!  
By, Michael Earnshaw
February 19, 2019 

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“I don’t have time!” is a phrase I've recently eliminated from my vocabulary. The reason being, it isn’t true. There is not a single incidence or situation in which “I didn’t have time!” is an acceptable response. The phrase is simply an excuse. It’s easier for us as humans to put blame on someone or some outside factor when we don’t accomplish a goal we set for ourselves. When we fail, which is essentially what “I don’t have time!” implies, it’s hard for many to admit that they are the reason the goal was not reached.  

There is nothing wrong with failure. We learn from failure. We become better from failure. We become stronger from failure. If we allow ourselves to. In order to move on and improve ourselves after failing, we must accept and admit the fact that you, and only you, are the reason a goal was not accomplished. The question is now, what are you going to do the next time, tomorrow, in a few minutes, to make that goal happen? How are you going to pick yourself up, admit your faults, and take charge? 

The answer lies in what we do with our time.  

Did you get up early to train knowing you would not be able to at night?  

Did you miss your morning workout and rearrange evening plans to still get it in?  

Did you budget your “To Do” list and get into as many classrooms as you could?  

Did you sit down and listen to that student who was visibly holding back tears all morning?  

Did you take the time to talk to that staff member that seems to be struggling & in need of advice?  

Did you show kindness to others when it didn’t fit into your schedule?  

The list of questions goes on and on and on no matter what goal you are trying to accomplish. If you answer no to any of them, it’s not Times fault, it’s yours. Time does not care about your title, status, socioeconomic status, rage, religion, or sexuality. Everyone has 24 hours in their day. Nobody has any more or any less than anyone. It’s your choice to make the most of each minute of every day. If you’re wasting it and your goal is not accomplished, you only have yourself to blame. 


  1. Making a "to-do" list can help for some things, but not for all. Some come up and then you just have to adjust.

  2. This year, I bought a planner and I am more organized with my time. I read The Magic of Thinking Big, and something I took away was if you need help, ask a busy person. People with time on their hands tend to use excuses. Busy people fill their time usefully.
