Friday, March 6, 2020

Coffee Break in the Midst of a Hurricane - 3/5/20

Coffee Break in the Midst of a Hurricane
By, Michael Earnshaw
March 5, 2020

Image result for coffee during hurricane

We’ve resorted to screaming at this point. 

“Mike! What do you think you’re doing?”

I stated in a calm tone, “I’m going to put my feet up, take a long sip of this freshly brewed coffee, close my eyes and relax.” 

The anger and frustration was brewing, I could tell in the heavy breathing and red overtaking her face. 

“A coffee break? Are you freakin’ kidding me? Right now? A time out? How in the world do you deserve a time out? Have you seen your ‘To Do’ list? There’s over 20 items on it! Whatever happened to ‘I’m Mike, I only cover three tasks a day?’ And don’t even get me started on your inbox! Over 123 unread messages. UNREAD FROM THE ENTIRE WEEK!”

I could feel the warmth of the fire coming out with every word she uttered. She knew that no matter how much she screamed, yelled, and belittled me it wouldn’t do anything. 

“Fine, it’s your choice. I tried. Good luck,” and as that last sound escaped her lips she was gone. 

I muttered out loud to myself, “Finally some peace,” placed my hands behind my head, closed my eyes, and shut my mind down for seven minutes. 


Was she right? Of course she was. I had not been taking my own advice the past week and some days. My “To Do” list had multiplied like Gremlins eating in the tub after midnight. There were numerous emails I hadn’t even glanced at from the past 4 days. I didn’t even know where to start with everything I needed to do workwise, let alone writing for my book, keeping current with blogging, and promoting various projects on social media. 

I’ve begun feeling like a failure, a loser. How did I let myself get so behind? What have I been choosing to do with my time to have not accomplished anything lately? 

I didn’t have the answers. I wasn’t spending time playing video games or vegging out in front of the television. I was going to bed early, waking early for workouts, which usually makes me more productive, but I still wasn’t getting anything done.

What did I need to do while this storm was dancing all around me in every direction?


I’m taking a break. 

I’m taking a break when the “To Do” list mountain begins climbing into the clouds. 

I’m taking a break when my inbox has multiplied to a number comparable to pi. 

I’m taking a break when I’ve fallen behind on writing recipes for my upcoming book. 

I’m taking a break when I haven’t promoted our podcast or educational change agent. 

I’m taking a break when I haven’t posted a new blog in over three weeks. 

I’m taking a break. 

I deserve it. 


She’s back. 

“How in the **** do you deserve a break? You just listed everything you need to do! Let’s go!” 

I finally had my response for her, one that would end this badgering and constant headache. 

“Yes, I need a break. It’s too much. I have too much to do. I need a minute to focus, take it in, and then divide up everything so I can tackle them all over the next few days with precision, focus, and dedication. If I don’t, if I just stare at this insurmountable list in every aspect of my life, I won’t do anything and this anxiety, YOU, will never go away. Let me enjoy this coffee and then I will get going.” 

And then she was gone, for now. 

I planned out what I would get done task wise over the next six days. 

I cleaned out my email. 

I’m writing this blog and planning for at least one per week going forward. 

My next few recipes are scripted as to what dish I will be sharing out. 

Balance is a tricky thing. I share with others all of the time the strategies that I implement to keep myself on track. But life isn’t perfect or predictable. There are times, no matter how balanced we may think our lives are, where one side of the scale becomes overloaded, throwing everything off. 

There’s a few options we can take when our scales are tipped: 

Just start attacking everything, quickly chipping away at each task. 
Freak out, cry, and complain to everyone how overwhelmed we are, never truly making an attempt at getting out of our hole. 
Take a break, refocus, and with a positive mindset plan our attack. 

I’ve tried all three approaches, and for me, #3 is the only one that has ever served me well. 


As for her, she’ll be back once life begins to pour. 

As for me, I’ll brew a fresh cup of coffee. 

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