Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dreams vs. Goals Rd. 1 - May 21, 2019

Dreams vs. Goals Rd. 1 
May 21, 2019 
By, Michael Earnshaw 

Image result for dreams

There is a huge misconception when it comes to understanding the importance of having dreams and goals in one’s life. Since we are young, we are taught to have big dreams, dreams that are going to take us to places we’ve never imagined! We’ll discover new lands, create music no ears have ever been christened with, cure diseases that haven’t even been birthed yet. This is all great, and I am 100% for inspiring our kids to have big, bold, dreams. But we must take it a step further.

 That’s the key, we must take our dreams to the next level 

Nobody ever faults a child for having bold dreams. It's the adults, the professionals, that get scoffed at when sharing theirs. This is an inevitable piece of life. The reason being, many never take the next step and transform their dreams into reality. There comes a turning point in life when we reach the age where responsibility, drive, and adulthood take over. Unfortunately, this is the time many people’s dreams wither away and die like that prom corsage sitting on the bedroom floor. It doesn’t have to be this way.  

Those who take their dreams, who hold onto them despite how crazy others may think they are, those are the ones that are viewed as heroes, as geniuses. They were not afraid to keep the dream alive. The way it was kept breathing was by spending time in a cocoon and then reemerging as a goal.  

Goals differ from dreams in the sense that the idea has been brought to reality. The individual has put thought and a plan of action into reaching a destination. When someone has a goal they are reaching for, they are not seen as crazy like those chasing dreams. It’s crucial that we teach our students, our kids, to not only have big grandiose dreams, but to manifest them into goals.  

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